
Yibin, the first city along the Yangtze River and the capital of liquor in China, is a bright pearl inlaid at the juncture of Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou provinces. It is also at the intersection of the Jinsha River, Minjiang River and Yangtze River in the south of beautiful Sichuan. 

Scenic Spots Around Yibin

1. Southern Sichuan Bamboo Sea

Southern Sichuan Bamboo Sea is a national AAAA tourist attraction. As one of the top ten scenic spots in China with the most distinctive features, the Southern Sichuan Bamboo Sea is composed of 27 steep mountains and over 500 peaks. There are over 400 types of bamboo in the scenic area, covering over 70000 acres. The branches of the bamboo are stacked and connected, making it lush and beautiful, vast and magnificent.

2. Lizhuang Ancient Town

Lizhuang Ancient Town is located on the south bank of the Yangtze River from the east of Yibin City about 19 km. It is known as the “No.1 Ancient Town of the Yangtze River” and was founded in the sixth year of the Liang Datong reign of the Southern Dynasty. There are numerous cultural relics and historical sites within the town, making it a national historical and cultural town, a national AAAA level tourist attraction, and one of the first batch of Tianfu tourist towns.

3. Xingwen Stone Sea

Xingwen Stone Sea is a national AAAA level tourist area, with a total area of about 156 square kilometers. The park has preserved carbonate strata from 490 million to 250 million years ago, which contain marine paleontological fossils and sedimentary facies markers. It is the earliest place to discover and study Tiankeng in China, and also one of the areas to study Karst Plateau landform in southwest China.

4. Wuliangye Tourist Area

Wuliangye Tourist Area is a national AAAA tourist attraction. It is a super large Industrial tourism scenic spot built by Wuliangye Group and operated and managed by Sichuan Wuliangye Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd.